
Coming Soon! For registered users with one of the exhibitor provider plans, you will be able to view listings for venues that are seeking new exhibit content.

Image: the iconic exterior of the Waterloo Regional Museum in Ontario, Canada.

Membership Options for Venues and Providers

Coming Soon!

The Venues Listing area is currently in development. We encourage interested organizations to register as either a Venue or Exhibition provider to help build this community. Our estimated launch date for the venue listings to go live is September 1, 2023.

Venues will only be visible to registered exhibition providers, and can opt in or out regarding the product information they wish be contacted about. Culture Trove will ensure information exchanged between venues and providers is respectful and of mutual benefit. Please review the Terms of Use page for additional information prior to signing up.

For Venues

With a free Venue Membership, you can create a profile page for your organization at no charge. Let Exhibition providers know what content and formats you are seeking, and how to best contact your venue to share information that is most relevant to you.

For Exhibition Providers

There are 3 types of paid Exhibition Provider memberships: essential, premium and pro. Any one of these memberships will give you access to venues that have registered with Culture Trove, and provide details about exhibitions they wish to know more about.

Venue Listings Go Live






